But the man stood his ground. And though the surveys have continually put him on the bottom end among Noynoy Aquino, Manny Villar, and Erap Estrada, the Presidential Forums conducted by various organizations and media networks have introduced unto us a man who have clear visions and a man who knows the details of proper governance.
(famous Filipino author and National Artist F. Sionil Jose has a comprehensive interview of the man)
And so my question is: Why Not Gibo?
We go back to the old argument, that we do not want him because he is associated with Gloria.
Then my follow up question is: Why then, despite the fact that he would want to become the Admin's standard-bearer, do we like Bayani Fernando?
I want to see a Philippines that is peaceful, has strong institutions of governance, has modern infrastructure, has food security, is technologically and educationally advanced, with a people who have the capacity to make rational decisions for themselves, true freedom of thought and of expression, a power in Southeast Asia and perhaps the Asia-Pacific, ecologically rich and diverse, in short a country where our people would want to remain. - Gilbert "Gibo" Teodoro