I'm contemplating on the idea of finally getting my own website, instead of my current free site from blogspot.
But please don't get me wrong. I have been using blogspot for at least three years and I have loved its simplicity better than wordpress. In fact, whenever possible, I think I will still maintain this free site even if I will be able to acquire a new paid website.
A lot of blogger friends have actually adviced me that though maintaing my site on blogspot or wordpress is perfectly fine, they say that I could attract more visitors (visitors=traffic=money), if I get web hosting service for my own website.
There are lots of Web Host providers that I saw in the online market, however, based on my research, it is not that easy to just get any of them. Of course, you must know and understand the different web host types to find out which one is most suitable for your need.
Right now, I am blog hopping on the many sites that gives me information regarding paid web hosting. Should I think myself capable of knowing and understanding how it goes, I shall by then be ready to plunge in and get my own website.
But right now, I'm still getting ready.