For at least more than fire years now, Nursing has become one of the most (if not the most) sought-after courses by the Filipino youth.
While some really has inclination to medicine and science courses, most of the students prefer Nursing because they think that this is their passport to migrate to other countries such as Singapore, Canada, the United States and United Kingdom. This is because in the early 2000s, many of our nurses were given the opportunity to work in these countries, and when they got back to the Philippines, they were able to acquire houses, lands and other properties. Needless to say, the salary/pay in other countries are much much bigger as compared to what they could have been receiving domestically.
On this thought, the young, after graduating from High School, are enticed to enroll in colleges and universities that offer Nursing and/or Pre-medicine courses.
With the increase in number of nursing students, graduates and professional nurses, nursing equipments,
uniform and gadgets also increased. Typically, you can find stores that offer medical supplies, equipments and uniforms near colleges, universities, and hospitals. There are also specific areas in the Metropolis where these supplies and uniforms are sold in cheaper prices. The area of Bambang in Manila is well-known for stores that sell medical equipments at lower prices, while in Divisoria, you can purchase nursing scrubs and hospital uniforms.
While some students and nurses prefer to purchase at low costs in these stores and location, others, especially those who have busy schedules, are buying uniforms via the internet. However, as there are a lot of fake online stores, it is very important to purchase on online stores that are proven to sell nursing uniforms at the best quality. One of those authentic online stores is may be found in this link:
http://www.blueskyscrubs.com/categories/Scrubs/Scrubs-for-Women/ .
There are other online stores that offer quality nursing scrubs and medical uniforms and I shall be very glad to update the links for you in the coming days.