Today is October 30, 2008
Ok. So it is now exactly 2 months since the Eraserheads Concert. And seems I still just can't get enough of the 'reunion' gaga. Actually, I have had two separate blogs about the eheads, however, I will need to give another one just not to let this interesting fact i've just read from the ULRAELECTROMAGNETICNIGHT blogspot.
My first blog specifically tackles the issue on the sponsorship controversy and how this reunion concert came to a reality.
Well, the concert almost didn't make it because of this controversy, and then there was the tragic death of Ely Buendia's mother days before the concert. But the concert did push through-so the second blog gives an account of some of the highlights and some insights gained on the concert.
However, a lot of the fans are 'bitin' because right after the first set, Ely Buendia was rushed to the hospital due to a heart failure.
So many people wondered-how would it have been if the concert came to Set Second? What would be the next songs? What would be the finale? Will they ever treat the fans with the 'Group Hug' that the fans were chanting?
This Interesting Blog says it all:
We were all supposed to dance the Huling El Bimbo with a fantastic fireworks display. It was going to be the perfect song to end a perfect concert.
I know because my sister said so. She was one of the band's PAs (guess which one!) and was there during the production meetings. On Sunday morning, as we gathered for our family lunch, she told us what was supposed to go down during the Eheads concert.
The first set went exactly as planned, except of course for Ely's collapse. To refresh your memory, these are the songs we heard:1) Alapaap 2) Ligaya 3) Sembreak 4) Hey Jay 5) Harana 6) Fruitcake 7) Toyang 8) Kama Supra 9) Kailan 10) Wag Kang Matakot 11) Kaliwete 12) With A Smile 13) Shake Yer Head 14) Wag Mo Nang Itanong 15) Lightyears
During the second set, the band was to sing ten more songs, in this order:1) Maskara 2) Poor Man's Grave 3) Torpedo 4) Trip to Jerusalem 5) Back To Me 6) walang Nagbago 7) Maling Akala 8) Tikman 9) Spoliarium 10) Magasin
When Magasin was to be played, the screen behind them would have montages of various news and magazine clippings of them. It would flash alternately with shots of the band and audience until the song reached the coda where Ely sings "...ay centerfold ka naaaa...woo hoo-hoo, haaa-haaa" part of the song. Then there would be fire works and a fountain of sparks, going on til the last note of the song. Then the hydraulic stage would be lowered and the band would make a "fake ending".
The lights would then go out.
My sister said the band would wait til the crowd chanted "more". "It would take two beers' worth of chanting "more" she said. Then in the darkness, a very dramatic keyboard solo would be heard, and it would be the opening chords of Para Sa Masa.
The hydraulic stage would rise again and there they would be.After Para Sa Masa, they'd switch into Overdrive. With the crowd pumped within an inch of insanity they were to hit us with Pare Ko. And then we would slow down and reminisce with Minsan.
Finally, they would perform Huling El Bimbo. Again, after the last refrain, at the coda (la la la laaa...) the grand fireworks display would go off, fountains of light surrounding the stage. The next la-la-la parts would see fireworks from behind the general admissions section, and as the song ended there would be a burst of confetti all over the audience.
Then the hydraulic stage would be lowered for the final exit.
Those were the plans for the Ultraelectromagnetic night. It may not have happened as planned but at least we knew they were going to give us a show we would never forget!We asked my sister if the band knew about all these plans and she said they did. In fact they were so excited about all the gimmicks and couldn't wait to party with the audience. "Nag-usap pa nga sila kung may mga kailangang saluhin na kanta just in case (di na kaya ni Ely)," she said.
"And Ely said, hindi, Kakanta ako!"
I'm putting out an order to the Universe that we all get to watch the second set!
--Source unknown
Sana. Sana may susunod pang concert. At kung pwedeng isa pang hirit, sana, magreunite na ang banda.