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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Business Management Made Easy

Sometimes I couldn't help but envy my brother who has landed a very great job with a fat salary (and other perks to boot) as a Computer Programmer in one of the top emerging Call Center Stations in the city of Manila, Philippines.

He shares that though the work is much challenging and time-consuming, he enjoys doing Custom Application Development for their company, especially when he and his co-programmers are able to come up with good and simple solutions to complex business process problems that the company is experiencing.

Application Development Defined-

Application Development, or software development, pertains to a development of software product (involving the creation of computer programs), in a planned and structured process.

Due to the fast-paced introduction of various new technologies in computer programming, Computer Programmers now have lots of resources and means to create better applications. In fact, there are even ready-made application development programs that are available for use by business entities.

However, it is much better to have to hire (or employ) computer programmers that will customize applications suitable for the need of the company.

As a fine example, I used to work in a company that owns a chain of stores that offers Sporting Goods such as rubber shoes, jerseys, basketballs, volleyballs, apparels, etc. We purchase the items directly from big sports suppliers (like Adidas, Nike, Reebok) and store them in a warehouse located near the Main Office. Periodically, these sporting goods are transported to the various stores all over the country.

Due to the large volume of inventory movement, it is thus necessary that a good inventory process (or system) is in place. The management has decided to do away with the basic inventory system where we only use excel spreadsheet to track inventories. An employee was tasked to browse through the internet to check where to purchase a good inventory database system. He also joined in an application development forum and made discussions with members in order to get additional ideas.

After much research, it was determined that it is much better to hire computers programmers to customize the application /program that the company needs. This is because the program is custom-fit with the specific requirements that the we need.


Custom Application Development, indeed, has become a necessary partner in making businesses easier to manage.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Do Gold Coins Still Exist?

The answer to the question is a reasounding Yes.


The question was raised during our discussion of the popular Harry Potter book (and movie) series where wizards and witches are using gold 401K coins and silver coins when transacting business.

Although now, we are already using bills and coins in transacting, it is good to know and realize that French Gold are still existing, and even Gold IRA coins are still available in some parts of the world.

French Gold coins are, of course, very much known to historians because it dates back into the early centuries. Thus, we could boldly say that French Gold coins are a rare collectors' treat.

For those who are still unaware, IRA (for Gold IRA) referes to Individual Retirement Account. These are normally used by workers and employees as part of their investments.

Thus, we can indeed say that even though bills and other forms of moneys have already emerged as the primary form of business transaction, Gold coins are still existing and are still very much in demand, especially for people who use them as their investment. The fact that golds and jewels continue to appreciate and not depreciate still rings true today.


Did you know?

An interesting fact about St. Gaudens Gold Coin.

According to history, St. Gaudens Gold Coins are named after one of America's well-known sculptors, Augustus Saint-Gaudens. It was then President Theodore Roosevelt who asked Saint-Gaudens to redesign America's coinage, and thus, the St. Gaudens double eagle coin emerged.

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