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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Chuck Pierce: Cascading Fall in the Banking Industry

As if the economic downfall that happened in the United States in the last quarter of 2008 is not yet enough, renowned prophet Chuck Pierce has prophesied that there will once again be an economic shift that would happen between August 24 to October 17 of this year that will effect changes in the financial system.

Chuck Pierce prophesies:

Between August 24 and October 17, there will be great changes in the financial system. Be aware that the banking system has not finished making its changes. We will start into an accelerated shift in structure.

But for the believers, the promise is this:

I, the Lord, AM going to start amassing and gathering you in a
new way, and you must move forward with Me. Do not resist this
rearrangement. Now I must draw you up higher, for you are looking with the
world's eye. I have needed to gather you as eagles so you go forth with
new strength and vision.

I must draw you high above the rivers because the rivers are now
beginning to fill in such a way that unless you draw up higher and move into a
new view of the earth, you will find yourself in a boundary you are not to be

There is going to be a rain coming in where you are which will lift you
up in the present so you can see the changing boundaries for your future.
I am going to draw you up above the Cascading Fall. The
washing of the water of the WORD is coming from higher than you know.

On the general picture, it might be that again, the world is on the verge of entering into a new level of economic change that will definitely affect everyone of us. However, we also have to understand that prophesies such as this are given not to bring gloom and doom unto us, but for us to prepare ourselves and be ready for the great things that the Lord is about to do to all who believe in Him.

We can choose to be worried and feel bad about it. But we can also choose to be still and know that He is God.

The choice, as always, is ours.

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